Camino de Santiago

☰ Camino Tours

From Lugo to Santiago de Compostela
7 days/6 nights.

There will be a general blurb re the camino and another re this specific trip. To the left there will be another column with a sub menu for each different camino experience.


Arrive by your own means in Lugo. Accommodation in Lugo. Breakfast included.

Leaving the old Roman City walls of Lugo behind you set out for Ponte Ferreira. The route goes from Lugo through San Roman, Guntin and Pacio, until you reach Ponte Ferreira. In San Roman you can visit the beautiful hermitage of San Román da Retorta. From its 12th century Romanesque origin, only the façades and the lateral columns have been conserved. Nearby is the church of Santa Cruz da Retorta, also Romanesque, and from the same century. When you reach Ponte Ferreira, you cross the small, single arch Romanesque bridge. Accommodation in Ponte Ferreira.

Today takes you to Melide, the crossroads of the Pilgrims’ Roads, where the Primitive Camino meets the French Camino. In the centre of the town, the French Camino and the Primitive Camino meet. Melide offers us a Pilgrims’ Hospital from 1502, currently the Museo de la Terra de Melide (Museum of the Area of Melide). Outside the Hospital-Museum, the Primitive Camino joins the French Camino in the Plaza del Convento. Here, in the most important square of the town you find the Obra Pía de Santo Antón, which includes the Chapel and the Town Hall. The Serra do Careón (Careon Mountains) is the gateway to the Primitive Camino in the area. This route passes through the parishes of Vilouriz and Villamor, both with ample archaeological remains such as forts, stone crosses and, in places, fragments of the paved path where the natural landscape seems to have stopped time. Accommodation in Melide.

After Melide, the Camino takes you through Boente and Castañeda before you reach Arzúa, a cheese-making town. On this leg, the Camino is easy and in good condition, with a mixture of earth and stone paths and minor roads between villages, with gentle ascents and descents, alternating with flat stretches. Accommodation in Arzúa.

There are still almost 40 kilometres between Arzúa and Santiago Cathedral. The wisest and most logical thing to do is spread this leg over two days, spending the night in either Santa Irene or O Pedrouzo. Arzúa town gives way to O Pino, a comfortable route, with gentler slopes and paths that are always close to the N-547. Accommodation in Amenal.

We are nearly there. The walk is becoming serene. It is hard to know if this is out of fear of finally finishing the Camino and not wanting to or not knowing what to do next. You pass the last villages of the O Pino area by leaf-strewn paths, among the last patches of closely growing, symmetrical pine and eucalyptus forests, in some areas there are even some oak trees. The town of Santiago awaits on a hill, near the airport. The pilgrim is led through the parish of Sabugueira to El Monte do Gozo (the Mount of Joy), the first panoramic view of Santiago de Compostela. From here you find yourself on an urban route that ends at the foot of the Baroque façade of the Cathedral. Obradoiro Square is the end and the beginning. Accommodation in Santiago.


General Information

Total distance
0 m
per year
0 +
by bike
0 +
Prices from
on horseback
0 +
Pilgrims walked the
French Camino in 2023


Not Included

Optional Services
( depending on provider)

  • Discount for third person in extra bed sharing room with 2 adults 10%.
  • Half board supplement (no discount for 3rd person) per person/night €18.00
  • Picnic lunch supplement: sandwich, drink and dessert person/day €9.40
  • Santiago-Sarria airport transfer supplement: (max. 4)* €162.50
  • Santiago city to Santiago airport transfer supplement: (1 to 3 people) €41.25
  • Santiago city to Santiago airport transfer supplement: (4 to 7 people) €63.75
  • Private transfers and/or support car during the route: please ask.
  • Cancellation insurance: please ask.
  • Extra excursions available out of Santiago de Compostela.
  • ** The prices published on this page come from one provider and are only meant to give you a rough idea of the potential cost.

Information & Bookings

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The Whole French Camino
from Roncesvalles to Santiago de Compostela
(44 Days/43 Nights)
If you are feeling brave. If the time is right for you to do the Camino, I can help you prepare each leg of your trip. Help you create your itinerary and help you take a break here and there to make sure you can rest and recover for the next stage.
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French Camino
From Sarria to Santiago de Compostela
(7 Days/6 Nights)
This Camino starts in Sarria. One of the most popular starting points as it is slightly more than the 100 Km that are necessary to obtain the "Compostela".
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French Camino
From Sarria to Santiago de Compostela
(8 Days/7 Nights)
Before you get lost in information, remember the camino is yours to do and design. If you need some help creating a bespoke tour, just let me know
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Portuguese Camino
From Tui to Santiago de Compostela
(8 Days/7 Nights)
There are two choices for you to make. Will you consider the Portuguese Costal Route?
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Portuguese Camino
From Baiona to Santiago de Compostela
(8 Days/7 Nights)
There are two choices for you to make. Will you consider the Portuguese Costal Route?
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Camino Vía de la Plata
Ourense to Santiago
(8 Days/7 Nights)
The last kilometres of the Via de la Plata, from Ourense to Santiago, will allow you to discover monasteries and lush valleys such as the River Ulla valley. All this while enjoying the scenery, at a leisurely pace and without the weight of your rucksack. The Vía de la Plata owes its name to an ancient Roman road that linked the city of Mérida “Emerita Augusta” with Astorga “Asturica Augusta”. Today it is a wonderful tourist route that bisects Spain from south to north.
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Primitive Camino from Lugo
(8 Days/7 Nights)
The Camino de Santiago, which originates in Oviedo and joins the French Way in Melide, is known as the Primitive Way. The name “primitive” is due to the fact that this is the first route of which there are historical references; King Alphonse II of Asturias and his retinue left Oviedo in the 9th century to visit the tomb of the Apostle St. James, discovered a few years earlier.
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Primitive Camino from Oviedo
(16 Days/15 Nights)
The more popular French Camino does not pass through Asturias. Due to the number of holy relics in Oviedo Cathedral, this saying became popular back in the 12th century, "He that goes to Santiago and not to the Saviour, goes to see the servant and not the Lord." “Quien va a Santiago y no al Salvador, visita al lacayo, pero no a su Señor”
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Padre Sarmiento’s Camino
(11 Days/10 Nights)
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English Camino
(8 Days/7 Nights)
It was the preferred route for pilgrims from Scandinavia, the Netherlands, northern France and, above all, England and Ireland. As early as the 11th century, there is documentary evidence of landings on the Galician coast and the arrival of pilgrims in shallow-draft vessels. Some of these expeditions included crusaders, who stopped in Santiago to visit the apostle’s tomb before reaching Jerusalem. Many chose the English route, where they found shelter in monasteries and hospitals. The pilgrimage to the apostle’s tomb started from the ports of A Coruña or Ferrol. In the 15th century, this was the golden age of this beautiful route, rich in historical and artistic heritage.
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Other Caminos
(different lengths)
There are many alternative routes for walking pilgrims. I will be adding some of them at a later date once I have checked the services available. Coming up are three well serviced cycling options. One on each of the main routes.
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French Camino by Bicycle
(8 Days/7 Nights)
The starting point for this cycling adventure is in the beautiful city of León.
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Primitive Camino by Bicycle
(8 Days/7 Nights)
This time you can start by visiting the Saviour first before you set out to greet his servant. The Asturians will reward you with thier food and hospitality. If you have time on your hands, talk to me about visiting the Principality. They don't call it "Natural Paradise" for nothing. And they know all about food!
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Portuguese Camino by Bicycle
(7 Days/6 Nights)
This time you can go wine tasting in Porto, and take a day or two to enjoy the beauty and, dare I say, the food, in Portugal before setting out on your Bike to take in the sights.
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Advice for the Camino
Advice is free for you to take. Hopefully you will be able to walk away with some helpful tips to make your Camino the best one yet.
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