
The Nina, the pinta

the Santa Maria

Leaving from Malaga

Stops in:




El Faro



San Pedro


Hotel **/*** type





price per person & circuit

single supplement €110


  • Hotel **/*** tipo Flamero
  • Meals according to programme
  • Drinks including water and wine
  • Travel insurance
  • Accompanying guide from origin
  • Official guide in Seville
  • Railway and Museum at Riotinto Mines
  • Cruise on the Guadalquivir in Seville


  • Entrance tickets to museums or monument not specified in the itinerary
  • Official guides
  • Any extra at the hotel or service not indicated in the itinerary



DAY 1. PLACE OF ORIGIN – COSTA DE LA LUZ: Departure from the place of origin. Lunch at the client’s own expense. Arrival at the hotel, dinner and accommodation.


DAY 2. HUELVA – ISLA CRISTINA: Morning visit to Huelva. Around the Plaza de las Monjas, you will find the Calle Concepción, very close to it, the Gran Teatro. We can highlight the English style Queen Victoria neighbourhood, or the Cathedral of La Merced. Return to the hotel for lunch. Afternoon visit to Isla Cristina and coastal towns such as Islantilla. Return to the hotel, dinner and accommodation.


DAY 3. RIOTINTO MINES – MAZAGÓN: Morning visit to the Riotinto Mines (entrance included). You will board a train and enjoy the landscape of the mines, followed by a visit to the museum. Return to the hotel for lunch. Afternoon visit to Mazagón, surrounded by numerous protected areas such as the National and Natural Park of Doñana, the Natural Park of Marismas del Odiel, the Laguna de las Madres, the Estero Domingo Rubio. The beaches of Mazagón are worth mentioning, including the Playa del Parador, one of the longest and most unspoilt beaches in Europe, with fine golden sand. There is also a marina in this area. Return to the hotel, dinner and accommodation.


DAY 4. EL ROCÍO – COLOMBUS ROUTE: Morning visit to El Rocío, where the sanctuary is located and where the very popular pilgrimage is held in the early hours of Pentecost Monday. Interpretation centre of Doñana, ‘La Rocina’, where you can enjoy an exhibition about the national park. Return to the hotel for lunch. Afternoon visit to Punta del Sebo where the great monument to Columbus is located at the confluence of the rivers Tinto and Odiel, next to the Monastery of La Rabida where the Virgin of the Miracles and the Hall of Flags are kept. At the Muelle de las Carabelas there are life-size replicas of the Nao and the two Caravels. Continue to Palos de la Frontera, located on the banks of the River Tinto and birthplace of the Pinzón brothers. Return to the hotel, dinner and accommodation.


DAY 5. SEVILLE – MOGUER: Morning visit to Seville with official guide. Nestled on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, Seville is heir to a rich Arab legacy and to its status as a prosperous trading port with the Americas. The Andalusian capital exudes joy and bustle in each of the streets and squares that make up its historic centre, which is home to an interesting collection of World Heritage listed buildings and neighbourhoods with a deep popular flavour, such as Triana and La Macarena. You’ll take a cruise on the Guadalquivir River (ticket included) and see Seville from a different point of view. Afternoon visit to Moguer, birthplace of the novelist Juan Ramón Jiménez, nowadays it is a city with a baroque air, stately houses and ancestral patios with wrought iron grille windows. Of note are the convent of Santa Clara, the church of Nuestra Sra. de la Granada and the convent of San Francisco. Return to the hotel, dinner and accommodation.


DAY 6. COSTA DE LA LUZ – PLACE OF ORIGIN: Early in the morning departure to the place of origin. Lunch at the client’s expense. Arrival, end of the trip.

NOTE: The programme is subject to the transport regulations of 11/04/07, which affect both driving hours and drivers’ rest periods, so the order in which it is carried out may vary, but not its content.

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Organising your trip needs time and care to make sure everything goes smoothly. The more time you can give me  to organise whatever you require: flights, transfers, golf courses, green fees, tee times, a day trip for the days you don’t play golf, a fishing trip, a visit to one of the major cities in Andalusia, especially if you would like to visit the Alhambra in Granada. The waiting list for tickets to see the whole complex is long. And, when they’re gone, they’re gone!

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